Cover Wars #3

Hey Book Lovers!

I am back again and super excited to be bringing you another session of Cover Wars! Now I know our parent’s always taught us, never judge a book by it’s cover… but today, I am going to break that rule yet again and judge only on those magnificent covers!

The premise of this post is due to something that happens to me a lot! I have multiple covers of the same book, because basically I couldn’t live without a cover that another country had released! It happened to me with Words in Deep Blue, Three Dark Crowns and Heartless… and let’s be honest, this is where my cover war addiction started!

Basically, I am going to do a little comparing of the new release books that are coming out or are already out and their respective covers from different countries. Let me know in the comments which of the covers you prefer, and your thoughts!

Quick disclaimer, the below is only my opinion, and if you like a different cover than I do that is completely fine, I love differing opinions, so definitely share them!  

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First cab off the rank is Windwitch by Susan Dennard! The covers are similar, however the UK/AUS edition looks more natural being set in the forest, where the US cover looks slightly out of place. Although I seriously dislike the Truthwitch UK/AUS cover, the Windwitch cover I like a lot more than I thought I would!

My Winner: UK/AUS Cover

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Next up is Gilded Cage by Vic James, and by far the US cover has my vote. I like simplicity of the UK/AUS cover, however in this case I think it is too simple, and the US cover simply outshines.

My Winner: US Cover

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Next we have, the highly anticipated Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor! This book already has so many amazing reviews, and both these covers are absolutely beautiful. I like colours of the US edition. The half gold/half blue is absolutely stunning. In this instance, I can’t go past the beauty of the UK/AUS edition. I love the details and the colour is absolutely stunning.

My Winner: UK/AUS Cover

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Next we have, the second book in Kiersten White’s Conqueror’s Saga! Although I loved the US cover for And I Darken, I am really drawn to Now I Rise in the US/AUS edition.; The colouring is stunning, and Lada on the front gives off a ‘bad-ass’ vibe which I really think goes well with the storyline. I like how both editions follow the same theme as the previous books, and I do like the US cover. However, I think the cover for Now I Rise is more linked to the story and the darkness to the UK/AUS edition is absolute perfection.

My Winner: UK/AUS Cover

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Lastly, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas! Both of these covers caught my eye, and I absolutely love both of them for so many different reasons. Both covers have amazing typography, and I like the person on each. The US cover is simple and beautiful, however the UK/AUS cover is real, evocative and thought-provoking.

Most of the time, I don’t like real people on the covers of books, however The Hate U Give’s UK/AUS cover is absolutely stunning and is absolutely the exception to this rule! The cover feel’s real and draws so much emotion from me. That being said, this book is real and I think the cover is a perfect reflection of a story I can’t wait to read.

My Winner: UK/AUS Cover


That is all I have for you today for the third installment of BexnBookx Cover Wars! Ultimately the winner was UK/AUS! I am absolutely stunned considering normally I enjoy the US covers more, however this time UK & AUS have smashed it out of the park!

Let me know in the comments below which covers you preferred, and your comments on them! I would love to hear them!

Also, if there are any other recent covers you liked more than another edition, let me know I would love to discuss with you!

Thanks for reading, and I will talk to you soon!




5 thoughts on “Cover Wars #3

  1. So I agree with you on most, but I love the U.K. cover of Gilded Cage, and I love the US cover of THUG. I love that girl with the sign. It’s just so unassuming.
    I love your cover wars! I go through them with my mom and I ask her what she prefers too!


    1. THUG covers are so nice! I want both lol!!! I do love a good cover war, and since I’ve been absent for a bit I thought I’d throw this one out first!!!
      Oh do you, that’s so sweet! What does Mom think of the covers!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. She tends to like the U.K. ones more. She surprised me on some, though. She liked the U.K. cover of THUG and mostly all U.K. except for ones I liked (Gilded Cage? She likes US and I like U.K.). It’s fun to go through them with her, so keep em coming!
        I used to do a feature called cover doubles, and I’m bringing it back. I think you’ll get a kick out of it. 😉


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